February 10, 2019: Spoon 7.3.0 is released (changelog).May 2019: Spoon 7.4.0 is released (changelog).July 2019: Spoon 7.5.0 is released (changelog).To compile Spoon, you need a Java Development Kit (JDK) and Maven: R6) When feasible, the text version of a Spoon model is close to the original one. This is done either with static type checking or with dynamic checks when the operators are used. R5) Transformation operators are designed to warn as fast as possible about invalid programs. R4) The analysis and transformation API is intuitive and regular. R3) The text version of a Spoon model is well-formed and semantically equivalent to the original program. R2) The Spoon model of a program is complete and sound. R1) The Spoon metamodel is as close as possible to the language concepts. Videos: Spoon: Getting Started - Simon Urli OW2Con’18 (Paris), Generate Test Assertion with Spoon - Benjamin Danglot OW2Con’17 (Paris)Ĭreate your first pull request to improve the documentation, see doc! Proceed with your first bug fix! The community is open-minded, respectful and patient.Reference documentation: (contains the content of the doc folder).